How to Sweeten your Smoothies to make them kid friendly!

Smoothies sometimes need a little bit of sweetening to take the edge of the sharp taste of fruits. Artificial sweeteners and syrups are full of processed sugar and preservatives and can often act as digestive irritants. Avoid these where possible and use a natural alternative. Here are some natural alternatives which you may want to try.

Honey is good for your because...

Firstly it is a natural sweetener that has not been processed or refined. Honey makes a great addition to smoothies and adds that bit of sweetness, naturally.

A Raspberry Smoothie Recipe to boost your energy

Raspberries are a nutritious and tasty fruit and help to make smoothies extra tasty and delicious. Raspberries are a late summer fruit but are available frozen all year round. Here is a simple raspberry smoothie recipe to try:

Ingredients - Serves 1

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